3 Ways To Avoid Expensive Auto Insurance

Insurance Blog

Do you drive a car that isn't worth much in value? If so, deciding on an insurance policy may be difficult to do, especially if you are on a budget. Owning a car that isn't worth a good amount of money isn't a car you likely want to spend too much money on each month for insurance coverage. Well, if this is the case, there are some insurance coverages and options you can take advantage of, such as the following:

A Liability Plan:

Having car insurance is required by nearly all states, which means it is illegal to drive around town without a policy. Well, if you are unable to afford a full coverage policy, then you may want to consider a liability plan. A liability policy likely meets your state requirements when it comes to owning auto insurance. However, it does not offer a whole lot of protection. Owning a liability policy does allow you to drive legally, but it may not protect you in the event of a car accident or damages to your car. This is definitely a great option if you are looking to save on insurance coverage on a car that you don't really care too much for.

Less Coverage:

If you want to be protected in the event of a car accident, then having full auto body insurance coverage is something you want. There are ways that you can customize your full insurance policy, such as removing coverages and features, like roadside assistance, comprehensive, and injury coverage. Removing or reducing some of these features and coverages can save you way more than you think, which makes owning an auto insurance policy much easier.

Pay a Higher Deductible:

Maybe you want more coverage but don't want to pay too much each month, well, there is a solution to that. Paying a higher deductible rate, which means paying more for situations where you need to utilize your coverage, can help you save on your premium rates. Paying more out of your pocket can lower your monthly premium rates, which makes your monthly rates cheaper, while allowing you to have full coverage in case of accidents.

With these tips and options, you will be able to reduce the cost of your insurance policy tremendously, which will help you afford a nice policy for a car that you don't want to invest too much money on. So, before you consider driving around town without auto insurance coverage, definitely be sure that you take these options into mind because they may help you afford a policy that offers just the coverage that you need. 


19 June 2015

Auto Insurance:  Even High Risk Drivers Need It

About ten years ago, my auto insurance was cancelled. This took place after one too many accidents. I was now a high risk, and my provider was not willing to keep me on any longer. Since there was no way that I was going to get behind the wheel without coverage, I started checking out plans with high-risk insurers. Some were not all that great, but others offered benefits that were very close to my old plan. I soon found a provider who would accept my application, and I began to be a little more careful with my driving. If you are having trouble buying auto insurance, let me help. I'll tell you what to look for in a high-risk provider, and how to find the best one in your area. In no time at all, you'll be covered and ready to get back on the road again.